
Privacy Policy

Updated: 27/03/2024 16:55 GMT

1. Who is Controlling and Processing your Personal Data?

1.1 Ltd (company number 03932283 registered in the United Kingdom, hereafter “Easyodds”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is a marketing service and information provider - it is not an online or betting company. The principal online site owned by Easyodds, namely as well as other sites that we may operate from time to time (hereafter “sites”), does not accept wagers or trades directly. Rather, they provide users with betting and trading related information and connections to betting and trading operators who in turn accept wagers and trades.

1.2 We may collect your personal data to help us understand your needs and this guides the way in which we interact and communicate with you about our trusted operators’ (subject to your consent) products and services.

1.3 We are registered with the ICO office (The Information Commissioner's Office in the United Kingdom) as a Data Controller and Data Processor under the Trading Name Ltd, with Registration Number ZB254666. This privacy policy applies to all sites operated by us.

2. Our Commitment to Protecting your Personal Data

2.1 We ensure policies and procedures are in place to protect the data you provide when registering to our sites.

2.2 We work within the guidelines and advice provided by and made available by the Information Commissioner's Office, the regulator of the Data Protection Act 2018 and abide by the ICO’s requirements.

2.3 We seek to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, the Electronic EU Regulations 2011 and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you wish to find out more, please visit

2.4 We seek to comply with the UK Gambling Act 2005 (and revisions thereof) and Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014.

2.5 We seek to comply with the "The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act" which was successfully attached to "The Safe Port Act" passed by the US Senate on Friday 29 September 2006. At present, the policy of the Company is to take the following precautions:

We do not promote or advertise gambling businesses that are resident in the USA.

In the event that the betting company does accept member sign-ups from residents of the USA, we will not accept any rewards relating to any client that we have inadvertently referred to that betting company who is a resident of the US.

Given the difficulty of stopping general access and the fact that we take active steps to avoid facilitating or profiting from bets made by residents of the USA (as set out in points a-c above), residents of the USA are allowed to surf our site as non-members.

3. Purpose of this Privacy Policy

3.1 This Policy sets out how we manage, use and protect your personal data collected while using our sites.

3.2 We will only use or share your personal data in a manner that is in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as stated within the registration opt-in definition and where we have obtained your prior active consent.

4. Our Purpose for Processing your Personal Data

4.1 Our commercial aims are funded by advertising and affiliate marketing. This involves generating customers for online gambling and trading companies (known collectively forthwith as “operators”) via techniques that include but are not limited to odds/share/exchange price comparison and signing-up offers and promotions. All operators are listed on our sites.

4.2 We process this data in order to provide you with the information or services which we believe you will be most interested in. This includes deciding what information we think you’ll find interesting in receiving from us in outbound communications.

4.3 We use your personal data to determine what information and which operators are displayed to you during your online sessions. Methods can include tips, features, odds-comparison/trading price comparison matrix and offers.

4.4 Subject to your explicit and active consent, we also use your personal data to manage first-party direct marketing campaigns. Channels can include, but are not limited to, email, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram and Web Push.

4.5 Your consent shall be obtained using clear and specific statements that are prominently displayed as part of the registration process on the sites.

5. Our legitimate reason to obtain and process your Personal Data

5.1 As the registered individual user, to manage your participation in first-party direct marketing campaigns.

5.2 To improve and personalise your experience of our sites. This includes customising the content and/or layout of pages and presenting offers of legitimate interest to you based upon your onsite behaviours and preferences.

6. What Personal Data do we Collect and How it’s Used

6.1 We collect your details when you visit or register on our sites. The categories of personal data we may collect from you upon visiting or registration include:

Your name

Your title

Your date of birth

Your contact information, including email and phone numbers

Demographic information

Your address and postcode

Your IP address or other online identifiers such as Cookies

Use of Your Personal Data

6.2 Irrespective of whether you register, we automatically log your IP address, device model and details, operating system and version, browser software, user agent, preferred language and location data when you visit our site.

6.3 If you use the assisted registration service, it will be necessary for us to disclose your personal information to operator partners to whom you indicate that you would like to open an account with. The operator partners will then use that data in accordance with their own privacy policy (links will be provided to such privacy policies when you use the assisted registration service). By using the assisted registration service, you consent to such use of that information and agree that Easyodds is not responsible for such use.

6.4 We may disclose aggregate statistics about our site visitors, customers and sales in order to describe our Services to prospective partners, advertisers and other reputable third parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.

6.5 We may disclose personal information if required to do so by law or if it believes that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or personal safety of Easyodds, the site or its visitors.

6.6 This site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such sites.

6.7 We may pass on your details to selected third-party companies and trusted Partners which provide you with other offers and promotions of interest to you.

6.8 We may process your personal data ourselves or through data processors that will process data on our behalf (we retain full responsibility for ensuring the data processor complies with this policy and all current data protection regulations).

6.9 Depending on the consents that you set up at the time of registration and what personal data we hold about you, we may pass your personal data to Site Sponsors, Brand Partners or Data Partners and Marketing Service Providers (collectively “third parties”) who may contact you by post, email and telephone for direct marketing purposes.

6.10 Email and telephone data will only be released to third parties where you have given your positive consent (usually at the time of registration) allowing you to fully understand your registration preferences.

You can change or update your communication preferences at any time here.

7. Use of Cookies

7.1 Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to your hard drive to store and sometimes track information about you. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. To prevent this from happening, please refer to your browser settings. You may not be able to take full advantage of our sites should you choose to ‘prevent’ cookies.

7.2 We may use cookies to:

Keep you logged in

Identify who you are and to access your account information

Ensure that you are not asked to register twice

Personalise content in line with your onsite behaviours

Track advertiser conversions

Estimate our audience size and usage patterns

Track preferences and to improve and update our website

7.3 We automatically collect your IP address.

8. Third Party Banner Advertisements

Easyodds allows third parties to provide and place banners on its sites. Your IP may be recorded by these third-party sites for specific purposes. If you would like to prevent your IP being recorded, you should visit each third-party site individually and opt-out (if this option is offered by the third parties in question).

9. Protecting Under 18s

We do not knowingly or deliberately collect personal data from children under the age of 18 for registration or for marketing purposes. Our sites all ensure that an ‘18+’ disclaimer is included in the registration process.

10. Data Storage and Security

10.1 All collected data is encrypted and stored on secure UK-based servers.

10.2 In the course of processing your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy, it may be necessary to transfer your personal information outside the EEA (please contact us if you wish to know the details of the countries involved).

10.3 Despite our best efforts the internet is not 100% secure and we cannot guarantee the security of any information you send to us via the Internet.

10.4 We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you or others may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of such information.

10.5 This site contains links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the data storage and security or privacy policies of such third-party websites.

11. Opting In

11.1 Our subscription form has a clear opt-in consent statement with unticked boxes per direct marketing channel such as SMS or email. Each box you tick, you give us permission to contact you via that specific channel.

11.2 Before registering, we urge you read the opt-in consent statement and this privacy policy fully and carefully.

11.3 In the act of registering, you are confirming that you have read, understood and agreed to our terms prior to registration.

12. Opting Out

12.1 Each communication you receive via a channel will give you the chance to opt-out from receiving further messages. For example, each email will contain an unsubscribe link, which when clicked will stop you from receiving any more email marketing from Easyodds.

12.2 We may reserve the right to retain personal data where a reasonable expectation exists in order to fulfil an obligation. This may include suppression, ie. to “block” future communications received by request of the data subject, a regulatory authority or by law. In this event, the data subject will be informed accordingly.

13. Your Rights

13.1 Under data protection law, you have the right to:

Obtain access to your personal data.

Request information about us and the purposes for which we process your personal data.

Prevent processing which may cause you damage or distress.

Object to direct marketing and select the contact channels by which we market.

Ask us to correct any errors and/or delete the information we hold.

‘Be forgotten’ by requesting all your personal data collected by us be deleted completely from our database, systems and servers.

Opt-out of any further contact by us.

Be notified in the event of a data breach where data lost or stolen involves your personal data.

Write to, report, or complain to your relevant supervisory authority, depending on your EU Member State. For UK data subjects, this is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and their contact details are:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113

13.2 If you would like to exercise any of your above rights or have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please email or write to:

The Data Protection Officer
3rd Floor
25 High Street
West Sussex
RH10 1BG

14. Policy Changes

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.